Welcome Call Outline

When you get a new ambassador sometime in their first few days make a plan to have about a 30-45 minute call with them.  Find a time that works for them and then help them stick to it.  It is easy to "chicken out", but don't let them!

Here's a great format to follow.  This is a combination of information from Kristin Abart (a diamond in our upline) and some other diamonds within Plexus.

1.  Get to know one another.
     - Tell me about you...
     - What are you most excited about? 
     - What is your hope/dream with plexus?  (Earn extra money?  Quit job? Get healthier?) Help them start thinking through their long term goal.

2.  Share a short version of Charlotte's story found here. 

3.  Explain the importance of creating your contact list and what the "dream team" list is.

4.  Give them an overview of the Facebook groups you added them to.

5.  Tell them about following other Plexus jewels on Facebook to get posting ideas.

6.  Ask them to type their goals and email them to you.  Explain it is not so you can look over their shoulder, but that goals are 42% more likely to be achieved if they're written down!

7.  Talk about sharing Plexus NOW!  You might as well earn as you learn!

8.  Talk about Plexus requires consistency: take your products, post on social media, talk about it!

9.  Walk them through the "How do I get to Silver?" page (keep it high level)

10.  Explain that we're a team, we work together!

11.  Ask when they want to do their launch and if they'd rather do it in person or do one online.  Get it on the calendar and tell them you'll help them prepare for it!

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