Allison's Before and After Post

Yesterday, in our little daily family group text my mom asked everyone to send pictures of them in their green (I had a green necklace).  Today I was on Facebook and came across the video I did to talk about the children's home I work for.  I realized I was wearing the same shirt in both, but I looked like a different person.  I quickly made up a comparison to show the difference.

I kind of laughed at my "before" picture.  I was reminded of a "Friends" episode (and its not a good post unless you can reference "Friends", right??).  Anyway, it's a flashback of Monica in high school...

- Mr. Geller (on video): Wait, how do you zoom out? There she is. 
- Joey: Some girl ate Monica! 
- Monica: Shut up, the camera adds ten pounds. 
- Chandler: Uh, so how many cameras are actually on you?

That's kind of how I feel when I see that video?  So how many cameras are on me???

Sometimes when we just look at ourselves in the mirror every day we don't realize the changes that are happening.  Those pictures are about 3 months apart.

Things these pictures can't show are:
- I sleep a full 7-8 hours and wake up refreshed (and don't toss and turn all night)
- I snap at my kids FAR less because I feel happy...not stressed, not anxious, not tired
- I realized that sometimes depression/anxiety/etc is truly something in your body and not a lack of faith or trying
- Balancing your blood sugar daily can change your life.

Want to know more?

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